Lady MacDonald

Lady MacDonald

Thursday, 24 April 2014

The Rockies Project

By the end of last summer, I was stuck in a rut, and running the same trails over and over, while slowly losing motivation to make the trip out to the mountains. In an effort to explore the infinite playground in my backyard, I am going to try and complete every trail listed in Mountain Running in the Canadian Rockies by Bob Walker, all in one season.
This works out to: 
77 runs
63,993m of elevation gain

I have already run a lot of these trails, but I'm starting from scratch and will update on here as I go with trail conditions, flood damage and hopefully lots of awesome photos! Where possible, I will try and link up trails to limit having to drive out to run a 2km loop. I will also hopefully do some bigger linkups like the Canmore Quad and Banff Triple as well!

If you haven't seen this book before, I'd highly suggest checking it out! Fantastic descriptions of all the trails from a runners point of view, with some awesome link-ups. You can pick it up from Gord's Running Store for around $25.

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